Fall Activities

NWHS Fall Drama Production “Anna of Avonlea

NWFB vs Mishawaka 8Nov24

NWVB vs Angola 2Nov24

NWFB vs St Joe 1Nov24

NWVB vs New Prairie 26Oct24

NWFB vs SB Washington 25Oct24

NWVB vs W Noble 19Oct24

NWFB vs Goshen 18Oct24

NW Frosh vs Warsaw 17Oct24

NWVB Sr Nite vs St Joe 14Oct24

NW Bsoc vs CMA 12Oct24

NWFB vs Warsaw 11Oct24

NWVB vs Wawasee 10Oct24

NWjvFB vs Ply 5Oct24

NWFB vs Plymouth 4Oct24

NW B-soc vs N Prairie Sr Nite 28Sep24

NWFB vs Concord 27Sep24

NW G-Soc vs Lakeland 26Sep24

NW XC Senior Nite 24Sep24

NWFB vs Northridge 20Sep24

NW G-Soc vs Gos 18Sep24

NW Uni FB Sr Nite 18Sep24

NWB-Soc vs War 17Sep24

NW Tennis vs N-Ridge 17Sep24

NWFB vs Mishawaka 13Sep24

NWXC Invitational 7Sep24

NWFB vs Wawasee 6Sep24

NWVB vs Concord 5Sep24

NW B-Soc vs Lakeland 3Sep24

NW G-Soc vs Trinity 2Sept24

NWFB vs Portage 30Aug24

NW Tennis vs Fairfield 26Aug24

NWJV FB vs Jimtown 24Aug24

NW FB vs Jimtown 23Aug24

NV B-Soccer vs Bethany Christian 22Aug24

NW G-Golf vs Tippy Valley 21Aug24

NWFB vs EC State

NWFB vs Leo Semi State

NWHS presents 67 Cinderellas 2023 Fall

NWGB Jv VS Tippy Valley 14Nov23

NWFB Regional 10Nov23

NWFB Sectional Champs 3Nov23

NWVB Semi-state 28Oct23

NWfb  vs Washington 27Oct23

NWB Regional Champs 21Oct23

NWFB vs St Joe 20Oct23

NWVB vs Wawasee Sectional Finals 14Oct23

NW Fb vs Goshen 13Oct23

NW B Soc vs West Noble 7Oct23

NWfb vs Wawasee 6Oct23

NWfb vs Mishawaka 28Sept23

NW G-Soc vs Wawasee 28Sept23

NWFB 9th Vs Ply 28Sept23

NWFB vs Plymouth 22Sept23

NW Homecoming & Red Reg 22Sept23

NW B Soc vs Penn 21Sept23

NW VB vs Northridge 21Sept23

NWFB vs Warsaw 15Sept23

NWXC @ NLC Warsaw 12Sept23

Unified FB vs Elk 9Sept23

NWFb vs Northridge 8Sept23

NWVB vs T-Valley 6Sept23

NW BS vs Wawasee 5Sept23

NWfb vs Concord 1Sept23

NWGS vs Ridge 31Aug23

NW JV vs Portage 26Aug23

NW Tennis vs CMA 25Aug23

NWFB vs Jimtown 18Aug23

NWXC Seniors 16Aug23

NW B-Soc vs Concord 15Aug23

NW VB vs Penn 15Aug23

NW Golf Vs Fairfield 14Aug23

Boys Soc Panther Classic 29Aug23

NW Drama Romeo & Juliet 11Nov22

NWFB vs Goshen Sr Night 14Oct22

NW FB Vs Wawasee Homecoming 7Oct22

NW FB jv vs Mishawaka 1Oct22

NW FB vs Mishawaka 30Sept22

NW Sr Nite Bsoc vs Bethany 29Sept22

NW Bsoc JV FW Showcase 24Sept22

NW Gsoc Teagarden JV Showcase 24Sept22

NW FB vs Plymouth 23Sept22

NW Girl’s Soc vs Lakeland 22Sept22

NW Boy’s Soc vs Mishawaka 21Sept22

NW XC Senior Meet 20Sept22

NW Soc JV vs Penn 19Sept22

NW FB vs Warsaw 16Sept22

NW Boy’s Soccer vs Warsaw 13Sept22

NW FB vs Northridge 9Sept22

NW Girl’s GOlf vs Prairie Heights 7Sept22

NW Girl’s Soccer vs Concord 6Sept22

NW JV Soc vs Concord 6Sept22

NW FB vs Concord 2 Sept 22

NW XC Invitational 27Aug22

NW FB vs E Noble 26Aug22

NW VB vs Fairfield 23Aug22

NW XC Sr 23Aug22

NW Tennis vs Fairfield 22Aug22

NW Soccer Invitational 20Aug22

NW FB vs Jimtown 19Aug22

NW Bsoc vs Concord 16Aug22

NW B-Soccer Red-Black Scrimmage 11Aug22

B-Soccer Red-Black Scrimmage 11Aug22

NW Soccer “Panther Classic” 30Jul22

NW FB vs Plymouth 15Oct21

NW Unified Flag Football Team

NWFB vs Warsaw 8Oct21

NWFB vs Mishawaka 1Oct21

NW G Soc vs Wawasee 30Sept21

NW B Soc vs Ply 28Sept21

NW B Soc JV Showcase in Ft Wayne

NW Fb Vs Northridge 24Sept21

NW B Soc vs Marian 23Sept21

NWMS Volleyball 21Sept21

NW VB vs Tippy Valley 20Sept21

NW Tennis Vs Wawasee 20Sept21

NW FB Homecoming game vs Wawasee 17Sept21

NW B Soc vs Goshen 16Sept21

NW XC at Concord Invitational 11Sept21

NW FB vs Goshen 10Sept21

NW B Soc vs Wawasee 8Sept21

NW FB vs Concord 3Sept21

NW VB vs Concord 2Sept21

NW G Soc vs TRinity 30Aug21

NW Frosh VB Invitational Champions Game 28Aug21

NW B Soc vs Concord 28Aug21

NW JvFB vs Lakeland 28Aug21

NW XC Invitational Winners 28Aug21

NW FB Vs Logansport 27Aug21

NW B Soc vs Northridge 26Aug21

NW Boys Soccer Invitational 21Aug21

NWFB vs Jimtown 20Aug21

FB Home Opener and Half Time

NW XC Seniors 2021

NW B-Soc vs Tippy Valley 19Aug21

NW Girl’s Golf vs Fairfield 16Aug21

NW B Soccer Preseason Tourney 31Aug21

NW FB vs Warsaw 9Oct20

NW Volleyball vs Wawasee 8Oct20

NW FB Vs Mishawaka & Homecoming 2Oct20

NW G Soc vs Plymouth 29Sept20

NW Fb vs Northridge 25Sept20

NW FB vs Wawasee 18Sept20

NW G Soc vs Goshen 17Sept20

NW Tennis vs Warsaw 17Sept20

NW vs Fairfield 12 Sept 20

 NW Golf vs Prairie Heights 9Sep20

NW XC Seniors 2020

NW Fb vs Concord 4Sept20

NW XC Invitational 29Aug20

NW Fb vs East Noble 28Aug20

NW Fb Vs Plymouth 18Oct19

NW Cheer Contest 12Oct19

NW FB vs Warsaw 11Oct19

NW FB vs Elk Mem 4Oct19

NW G Soccer vs Plymouth 1Oct19

NW FB vs Northridge 28Sept19

NW VB vs Northridge 26Sept19

NW G Soccer vs Elk Christian 24Sept19

NW Jv Soc vs Penn 23Sept19

NWFB vs Wawa Homecoming 20Sept19

XC vs Warsaw/Wawasee17Sept19

NW Tennis vs Westview 16Sept19

NW FB vs Goshen 13Sept19

NW FB vs Concord 6Sept19

NW XC Seniors 4 Sept 19

NW XC Invitational 31Aug19

NW FB vs Chatard 30Aug19

NW Tennis vs CMA 30Aug19

NW Golf vs Concord 29Aug19

NW FB vs Jimtown 23Aug19

NW VB Vs Bethany Christian 19Aug19

NW Football Jamboree 16Aug19

NW Parents Nite 9Aug19

NW FB vs Plymouth 12Oct18

NW FB vs Warsaw Sr Nite 5Oct18

NW FB vs Memorial 28Sept18

NW G-Soc vs Plymouth 25Sept18

NW BSoc vs John Glenn 24Sept18

NW BSoc vs Concordia 22Sept18

NW FB vs Northridge 21Sept18

NW FB vs Wawasee 14Sept18

B-Soc vs Warsaw 11Sept18

B-XC vs Mem/Gos 11Sept18

G-XC vs Mem/Gos 11Sept18

NW FB vs Goshen 7Sept18

NW FB vs Concord 31Aug18

NW Tennis Vs Memorial 30Aug18

NW XC Seniors 2018

NW NW XC Invitational 25Aug18

NW Girls Soccer vs Bremen 25Aug18

NWFB vs Fairfield 24Aug18

NW Girls Golf vs War & Gos 23Aug18

NWFB vs Jimtown 17Aug18

Future NW Soccer Players Nap Youth League Aug 2018

NW Fb vs Ply 13Oct17

NW FB vs Warsaw 6Oct17

NW FB vs Memorial 29Sept17

NW VB vs warsaw 28Sept17

NW FB vs Ridge 22Sept17

NW Volleyball Vs N-Ridge 21Sept17

NW FB vs Wawasee 15Sept17

NW Homecoming 15Sept17

NW FB vs Goshen 8Sept17

NW Girls Golf vs Mishawaka Sr Nite 6Sept17

NW XC Senior Night 5Sept17

NW FB vs Concord 1Sept17

NW XC Seniors 30Aug17

NW JV XC Invitational 26Aug17

NW Girls XC Invitational 26Aug17

NW Boys XC Invitational 26Aug17

NW FB vs Fairfield 25Aug17

NW FB vs Jimtown 18Aug17

NW fb vs Elk Central Scrimmage 11Aug17

NorthWood Football Parent’s Nite 5August